Fast Food and Health Issues
Prepared By: Jarrett Pace and Zhenyu Zhong
Our social justice issue is the prevalence of obesity and being overweight and the heath implications that are brought along as side effects. Obesity has become a huge issue with the ubiquitous nature of fast food today, and the fat filled foods that they sell; when combined with the sedentary lifestyle and the decreasing amount of physical activities that Americans go through today the results have been disastrous.
CST #1 Life and the Dignity of the Human Person
CST #2 - Call to Family, Community, and Participation
CST #3 - Rights and Responsibilities
CST #4 - Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
The Catholic Social Teaching of the Option for the Poor and Vulnerable says everyone including the poor and the vulnerable should be given respect, dignity, and assistance. This is important because fast food is often much cheaper than healthier foods and the poor are drawn to the availability and price of fast food but this is detrimental to the poor's health because when people are depending on fast food, they are consuming much unhealthy foods that do not offer the healthy amount of nutritional values and are hurting their own health and lives. This amount of advertising that takes advantage of their developing nature and essentially sacrifices their health in exchange for profits and loyal customers. The option in this case is to change legislation to discourage or prevent the current system of disposable labor.
The Catholic Social Teaching of the Dignity of Work and the Rights of workers talks about how it is necessary for workers to receive respect for the work that they are doing, and that workers should be compensated a just wage, as well as conditions that are not dangerous to the worker as well as other worker benefits. This is important because often in the fast food industry, workers are often treated as expendable labor and they are not taken care of by the company.. Workers in the fast food industry should receive just compensation for their efforts and be respected because they are all dignified human beings and deserve the same respect that all people do.
CST #6 – Solidarity
CST#7 - Care for God's Creation
As Christians we are obligated and required to be stewards of our planet and our planet's children. In the fast food industry, the world's population of cattle is being gathered to provide for our food. In the long feedlots with thousands of cattle, meat production companies have created disgusting environments for the animals where their food trays are only feet away from their manure troughs. This quickly spreads disease but also harms our fragile ozone layer that is severely damaged by the massive amounts of carbon dioxide emissions that come from the manure.
McKenna, Kevin E. A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria, 2002. Print.