Action Reflection
Prepared by: Jarrett Pace
For the action I did to promote awareness for the problems with meat and fast food conglomerates I made posters and hung them up around Serra High School.
I chose this form since I hoped that promoting awareness at a local location would be easier and have more effect than contacting my congresswoman or trying to change legislature. I hope that my posters show how disgusting the living conditions are for the animals that we eat. My goal is that I can influence at least some of the students that to be aware that when they purchase processed beef, that meat comes from animals that are practically tortured. Also another goal of mine is to have at least some of the students stop buying processed meat to be voices themselves that they too will not stand for the injustice.
The project has inspired me to take a second look at the systems around me and how they are broken to the point that they oppress other people and other creatures. I will try to think twice about the actions that I take and be aware that even minor everyday tasks like buying a carton of milk or buying a pound of ground beef can be hurting thousands of livestock in an attempt to eat something that tastes good.